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She seduces the uptight Amy and a relationship develops which grows from initial mistrust to unexpected intimacy, “us girls should never forget about the orgasms”. Sorcha Furlong, as Martha, and Annette Flynn, as Amy, take little time to get into their stride, but once they stop performing to the audience and start reacting to each other, they deliver Brunker’s witty and clever dialogue with an impressive range of emotions.Ī riot of good old fashioned Dublin humour, the play packs a punch and is not to be missed.Īt Players Trinity College Dublin until May 7th at 7.30pm, Saturday matinee at 12.30pm STRAIGHT ACTING that bisexuals who claim lesbians sleep with men and who call themselves bi - dykes ' oppress lesbians as surely as straight male pornography. Later in the day, the intimate setting of the Teacher’s Club is perfect for writer-director Brian Merriman’s highly polished and stylish Straight Acting. Harry (Jeremie Cyr-Cooke) and Alan (Colin Malone) deliver exquisite performances full of energy and gravitas from the start.Īnother comedic two-hander, only this one features two men, one gay one straight. SLEEPING STRAIGHT MAN FORCED GAY PORN FREE.SLEEPING STRAIGHT MAN FORCED GAY PORN FULL.SLEEPING STRAIGHT MAN FORCED GAY PORN MOVIE.

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